
Cloak in Red.

Sunlight is a power that was shown from the sun but its not just a normal light, Its also come together with the heat. Sometimes I have thought  that the sunlight was a beautiful thing its give me alive by itself but the heat is was not. For me the sunlight is a great and miracle thing It can give a lot of feeling to me, some is fresh, some is hate. While I was painting and enjoining the sunlight, Its all was destroyed by the heat , I hardly enjoin that and also temper was changed. In this painting I hope you to enjoin and find out my lovely sunlight which cloak in the red.

The Red Frame.

From day time, One clean white paper was painted by the temperature of environment. My body was standing around the heat, Its was burning myself and trying to come inside my mind. Meanwhile my mind have made a one frame deep inside that already. In my painting, The two reds was not the same meaning , feeling and intention. Its just not the same red.



I have done this painting before dinner. While I was painting my stomach still keep calling and talking to me that " Mikki, I'm so hungry, take a break and find something eat first please." but all I can do on that time was just hear and listen to him by my ear. After that I decided to re-paint this painting by overlay it into red instead and let my mind hears my stomach and paint the hungriness.

Enjoin your night!

Flow Along.

I was painting without thinking of anything on that time I just painted want I seeing and felt to myself. In the evening of everyday on my deck studio will always have a lovely wind and I also love to working with it too. Like I said for many times I just let my self fly and flow with the wind. In detail of my painting will appear and impact when you let your mind see and flow with it.

Welcome to my world.


Heavy Back.

I have got my back problem for 2-3 years. I never felt comfort and perfect around my neck and back part. I thought that reason maybe came from carrying too heavy thing many times and also I never sit in straight back action. This bad thing was becomes a big problem in my daily life. I was home with my overtired back again and I felt I can't stand for it anymore but I can do nothing anyway so the best thing on that time was paint this bad thing into my painting.


Self - Mirror.

This painting was painted in the morning time of today, The weather and environment were not so bad. I saw my face's blur reflection in surface of clean paper and Its was really impacted on me. I painted myself and the impact feeling into my painting. After I done and look at it again I found someone that was not me and It still question me who is it, inside my painting?


School Girls.

Today, I was spent almost of my working time on my sister' school. My feeling from today was great actually even I really tired from walking around the school and doing her work sheets but can you imagine that If you are just a one man in the circle of hundred cute school girls...How cool am I today. I put my story and feeling from all girls' eye contact to me into this painting. Take a look and see how cute of those girls.Anyway these girls can turn my exhausted to be fresh.

Thanks for all your smile :)


All In Day.

Today, My first teaching class was started at 8.00 am and after that I went to my sister' school to take care of her in exhibition's day. Its took us for 6 hours and we were non stopped to do all her work sheets. After that I went to teach my last student of today and done at 6 pm. I was home with a bit energy for painting. My weekend of this week was not so bad, I'm so happy and enjoin to do something else besides teaching. I would like you to let your mind read my painting and you will see and into it.


Gone With The Wind.

One good thing if I paint in the evening time is I always meet the lovely long wind. I thought this wind not the same as afternoon's wind because of my feeling to its was so different. For this evening wind I do really enjoy to flow with it all a long this night. I also got the big long rest from doing this painting too. This meaning of this painting isn't important than the feeling that I got from. The best thing that you can understand and enjoin what I was expressed is close your eyes and let your self flow with the wind.

Goodnight (:


For 5 days that my stomach still carrying the box of air inside that. I have painted in this evening of today before I have dinner, while I was painting among the cool weather I got the heavy pain inside my body, I used that feeling and express this thing's action into my painting.  The direction of this thing was always up and down in many times, sometimes I imagined that its was running and finding the way out of my stomach and I wish Its will could soon.


Among the Red.

Wherever you are, there is always one thing floating above you, Sky, cloud and birds and also the heat from sun, Its always hurt and burn this lovely things too. I was painting the life and movement of all these things while they were flying and floating among the red heat sky. Sometimes I actually want them to stay and floating around in the area of roof' shadow like me, Its will be the best studio in this world.

Goodnight (:


Myself on that time was not so good, its still have grips from last 3 days. Inside my stomach has something that always dancing and bombing all the time. The heat was the another thing that living inside my body in everyday' s afternoon time. I was painting by seeing  inside myself, my body and this solid thing. However this solid thing was becoming a part and center of my breath system.


Frame of Mind.

I hardly have enough power to paint this second painting of today but in black always have the a little white thing for discover like on that moment of mine. My head was ready to bomb anytime but I have keep it inside head and let my mind continue and keep painting. The bad and good thing when I got sick is I can see and meet that illness in my body and mind. Inside myself was carry a lot of thought and imagination and also the illness was staying inside that too. Its try to conquer my feeling and my thought on that time but just only one thing that can remove and delete that illness is mind.

Be healthy and Good Night!

The Grey Sky.

I was sick since last 2 days ago until now. The heat is always a main variable of illness. This painting was come from this afternoon of today and the weather was heating up more and more but I didn't and will not give up to make arts. My body hardly linked to my mind on that time I try to talked to the paper but its no reply back. My symptom is like a giddy , my eyes' vision always have a black dots all the time. Anyway the things that always appeared for me to paint are sky, clouds and birds, I was not sure how they felt while they were floating with the heavy heat, I will always cheer up for then and thanks to all by the way.



This painting was took me a long time because I didn't felt done in first 3 layers of drawing. I drew the shape of wind and the movement of bird's crowd in 1st and 2nd layer but Its power was not enough for mind to accept and done this painting so I let the heat idea come inside my head and color whole of it in yellow and drew the 2 circles, the small : dark mind and the big : body that have both of coldness and heat inside.


This painting was painted in the hottest day time. I opened my studio's door and again the heat was talking to me "you should go to bed, get some rest and paint after you woke up" but I don't believe and trust it, It just a lazy and bad thought that was created by my body and brain.  Even the weather was so hot but I try to express and explain the cold concentration thing that stuck in mind out to the surface of paper. Finally my mind and my painting can conquer the heat by the way.



I was sick and felt not so good. Headache is a pain inside the whole head, my right eye was not good and felt so much pain. I imagined myself on that time what am I looked like. I was drawing while my head was turning around in same time. My hand was moving and controlled by headache that dancing in my head on that time. The reason I like and love to paint and draw abstraction art is as you can see myself in painting is so look better and nice more than the real.



In the afternoon of today I let my self took a deep and long sleep since 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. The wind from fan that was so good to my mind go deep, I woke up one time to move my body from chair to bed on that time I was not sure that my mind was waken or not because Its like the automatic of body to move and walk in place that more comfortable to lay down and sleep. While I was walking I didn't know where am I going to? Its like a break time of dreaming and go continue in better place to get more sweeter dream. I try to recognize the moment and painted it after I drowsily woke up.

Self - Internal [A1 format.]

From the first painting while myself was woozy. After that not so far I closed my eyes again and focus on the appeared thing I found this second painting inside that, Its like when you try to communicate to yourself or see what actually what you are, focus deeper and more deeper and then you will find out something that you never expected to meet it....your mind!

Morning' Surface.

I woke up so early and headed to studio immediately and did nothing just sit in the non-sunlight area and see the sky and clouds.  8 a.m. in Thailand is the starting of summer weather, a half of area at my deck studio was burning and full of heat energy. I was sitting and seeing the sun and movement of clouds, part of my vision was against with sunlight, I closed my eyes and painted what I just saw, Its was mixed up by the woozy and clouds. The funny thing that I got from this morning is why the white cloud doesn't change to black color (compare with human skin but think without science's knowledge)


Black Blanch.

In the dark night environment I imagined that if its was blanched from black to be white what will its look like. The black is not just the one color in my own night but I saw some colors else in my vision. I do like the way that the black was blanching from right side to left side but on the on other hand I painted so hard and use many colors in left side.



Today I went to Kinokuniya, Book Stores. I was at information section and talked to one officer for order the import book and ask for some books. She is so nice from all she have done for me, search for a books and walk for bring the books for me more than twice times and also she such a nice and beautiful girl. On that time I felt like in Kino' didn't have any books its just have her and me in one small  clear smoke lovely room. That I feeling was stuck in my mind since afternoon until 9 p.m. when I start to put this feeling into my painting. Actually today I got her name now by let her do my book order stuff and then she have sign her name into the English book order bill. Such a sweet day for me

Thank you for took a really good care :)


Kaze no naka「風の中 ・In the wind」

The weather of today was so good, soft sunlight and cool wind. I went outside to teach since 12.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. and I was home about 8 p.m. I headed to studio and do nothing without stood up and exposed to the wind. The best in that moment while its floating through my body were talk and see inside in the wind. The wind can bring me into the new world, The world that have nothing to think and concern, you also can go with me or by yourself, just close your eyes and let the wind take yours.

Gooodnight !


R.I.P. [A1 format.]

 On this morning that cockroach, its whiskers still moving but its body didn't move even I blow and wind to it. I backed to upstairs and I shocked again after I saw its body was besieged with a hundred of ants. I felt so deeply like I was standing in the hell, I just killed it. The Thing that I have done on 2.30 a.m. of today was very huge and heavy sin. Even its just a small disgusting animal but It still was a living thing.

Have a good future life.


 At 2.30 am. I got up from bed and went to toilet on upstairs without any light. I and my family always do like this when night time they hardly turn on the light for go or walk around because of they know best in our home's directions. In front of the toilet have a foot scraper and some used cloths of yesterday. I stepped my foot on the foot scraper but my foot didn't feel soft its like something almost solid. I turned on the toilet's light and I shocked after I found the detest animal ever and ever, A big cockroach was running around. I suddenly known that It was suffering but my foot step. On that time I didn't hate it anymore I felt so bad sad and sorry to it, i just make a heavy sin from my bad habit, Next time I will turn on the light first!

Really sorry Cockroach.



 This painting was come from my imagination in night-time while I was painting. I hardly see the floating cloud in the dark sky that make me imagined to evening time while the sun was setting in grassland and river beside that. I imagined to the reflection of everything on the surface of that river as you can see the sun's refection in yellow mixed with red. I was imagining and painting in the same time that was so good time for me. You also can do that in every second when you want to feel cool while you are burnt by sunlight, All you have to do is just to use you mind and your brain imagine and work together and you will see how its work!!



Was burnt.

This painting was came from the photo that I took in this morning. It was the burnt wall that have been accumulated for long time and have the air conditioner above. The thing I see and painted was a relation between this two things. The burn make me felt hot, dark and black but opposite from the air conditioner that give us the cool wind feeling but that is just the front of it. I thought that actually the air conditioner its like the earth that one part cool and the others is hot. Its also like the ordinary human that have good and bad in self, They just have to choose what will they want to do...bad? or good?

Goodnight !

Moon before Sun [A1 format.]

If you are living in Thailand, What the time that you prefer to live? For me is night time because of the weather that really better , cooler much than day time but we still can't avoid to living with the sun because its light can make us see thing and make European get some warm weather. Today after I done my first I still keep the cool and free feeling from wind and also thought back to my day time of today, how hot I have got today and I also think about the feeling of our earth too. Have you ever think before that how earth felt when people inside make a bad things.


 In this evening, The color of sky was really nice for me but I was not sure that what color I saw. The building around my home were looked nice and shape and also the weather , air and wind the float through my body that my make me thought that its also can float through that buildings too. The direction of the wind was interesting for me because you couldn't know or anticipate before it against yourself. I just love to let myself fighting to wind while my mind is painting.



 My today's life and activities were a full circle of my own routine. Starting from woke up in the early morning, take a many kind of vehicles to go to the faculty , study the not interested class and learn&study the great painting class and got much of knowledge, run for take a van's queue to leave, head to my math student's home, back home and the last is painting in studio. From my painting you can divide the black left side and right blue side which I put the all the feeling and drew some activities of today that I just have done. Some happy...Some not Happy because It's a life.



My Pixii.

Pixii is the first word that I want to make a tattoo in my mind. She is the another best woman who I will always love her all a long my breath. We are not living together, even in the same country but I still miss and care all about her in every second. I let my eyes looked at her in mind and I thought about our past when we went to date and gifts that I gave to her. Meanwhile I was thinking what was she doing on that time, missing me? Her smile is the most that I want it all the time and also her smile is always the first vision that I saw in my mind too. nothing to say but...

I Love you Pixii, as always


14 February 2012 Tuesday and Valentine Day, For me is just a day that I woke up in the morning and go to university and back home but many people are give precedence of this day much because of blah blah blah... and maybe the same day of try single people or in my case that she didn't live together even in Thailand. In my painting I have shown how I looked to the word "Love". Surely the heart picture was appeared first in my mind, I also drew my daily routine over the heart. This painting said the best thing for you all is make a your own valentine day to be your everyday.

Love Fit !


Given Up [A1 format.]

Today the worst thing was happened to me, My mind , brain , eyes and hands are not co-opperate working anymore. Its drive me crazy so so much, I try to draw and paint a lot of idea in my head but its all not worked out. I started to angry and question myself what happened to me? on that time I just know that feeling still want to paint and paint but all my body' senses and mind was not connected. I was about to give up for this painting but I wasn't. I let my anger shown on that instead and after I felt done on this painting I felt so better and my mind was unlocked.

Hope you enjoy my anger !! :)



Today I fell in deep sleep while I was thinking to something. My eyes start to not seeing anything except the dark color. I felt myself again while I living in somewhere dark place. Its like my soul was released or expired for living in my body. My soul was fall from my head pass through my feet. As you can see in top of my painting I represent that is my soul and the blue box is the expired place. What would you feel when you have to living without you soul.

Moon Light.

The moon is not a fixed star, Its duty was a important which is percolate the heavy sunlight on our night time, to feel more cool and better to get some rest. For me after i done and spent my inner power for 4 painting. I want to draw and paint something nature. The moon for me is a beautiful thing that living above the cloud. This painting was come from my imagination that if the moon was rise in day time, what will happen?


After I did the meditation I still need to draw and paint something that people can't see. I closed my eyes again but I didn't do meditation, I think about my mind' shape and from. Including on that time had a heavy wind float into my body and my ears I can felt that inside myself was peace now but look deeper and more deeper I found the unshape thing was circulating around my body. My painting was shown that my unshape thing which living inside me.

Eyes' Door.

These 2 paintings are the first of mine today. Since I woke up and eyes were opened. I have intended to paint before doing everything. I sat down with the soft sunlight and do meditate. This 2 painting were come from the beginning and end of my meditation. As you can see the difference things. The second painting was come from the vision before I open my eyes, I found something was moving inside my inner eyelids. Tonight I will chase them again, you also can do that too, please enjoin  it!


Lunch Conference‏ [A1 format.]

When i go out to have lunch  on family day, Sunday is always a day of traffic jam and but good for food store. today we go out to have lunch so far away from home. while i was waiting for the food I have intend to read a painting book but I didn't even open it because of the noisy and talkative voice. they never care or courteous people around and they even talk much more than eat the food in front of them.
The best thing for living together with strangers is you know what you are doing and hope they will also.


From Sun to Earth.

7.30 am is the early wake time in the weekend morning. At my studio on that time was burning by morning' sunlight and also on my painting position too. I imagined that while the sun was radiating the heat and sunlight , how it see and feel to earth. From my high school, I have learned that the sun is the fixed star and hottest in solar system, as you see the surface and ray of it but I still thinking that inside the sun isn't hot or red in the beginning on the other hand, Is it could possible that it use to cold, white and blue before? and now its color becoming more darker and darker. My painting is the vision and feeling from the sun to earth.


Through Myslef. [A1 Format]

My last painting of today was come from my soul and my inner power. While I was painting and closing my eyes in the same time in earliest strokes. I stood up in front the paper and my eyes still closed, I used my hands groped the surface of paper and paint on it. My mind was acknowledging everything around my body. I use my hands and my ears work together and every line-paints were depend on the direction of wind and bird's gossip voice. I always hold the one of the great painter's speech :
" The one thing which we seek with insatiable desire, is to forget ourselves, to be surprised out of our piety, to lose our sempiternal memory, and to do something without knowing how or why; in short, to draw a new circle" - Lee Krasner

Good Night :)

Hard Chlorophyll.

I have done 3 paintings from this morning and my power was not enough to keep painting and continuing new one but my mind and my felling still need to paint more. After I got something inside my stomach and done my mid-day Mathematics teaching. I went to my deck studio again. I opened the door and the heat was go straight to my body suddenly  and pass through my mind also. I can imagine and got a clear visual that my studio already be a hell. I set up the paper and look around, I found the big tall tree was growing up and dying by receiving and eating the thing inside hot sunlight. I really want to know how its felt? Is it enjoin and accepted the scientist's laws and theories. I can't do anything except keep my body staying in no sunlight area and paint that tree.

God Bless The Tree.

Satellite [A1 format.]

After my intention from first painting was destroyed I didn't give up yet. I changed the position of my sight and also I just noticed that something was looking at me. It was my neighbor' satellite, I have stayed with it for at least 2 months but I never noticed it before. Today is good opportunity for us to say hi and talk. I can felt that it have stayed alone for long time, It never stop to working for the poeple who live under and inside home. It even never got an umbrella when rain is falling down. I let my mind guess see and focus how satellite work. It have ti receive, send and convert the many kinds of waves and signals. It work so hard all the time but now It will never alone anymore because I will be a friend to it and This my new friend will always be the first to see my all painting too.

Good Luck Satellite.

Temperature of Life.

This is my second painting of today after the first one was annoyed. This one I want to get my back to normal and stable so I made myself relaxed and didn't do anything too hard, just sit down for a while and run around the studio. I found some nature thing which is the temperature of nature and life. Even the heat was burning a half of my body. Surely I must to felt burned and hot but on the other hand I thought that my others still not be burned its fine and good. Why don't I let my mind and my brain's cell get the feeling from this because its totally felt better! Sometime you just don't know that the best thing which you are seeking is always beside you.


 I have intended to draw and paint my studio's morning view. While I was painting I have clean my fingers on left hand to pick the phone for 5 times from 4 person. I did understand they have really important things to tell me before its too late, One of that was a called from my student's parents and my plan of today was changed that is the most hate thing ever for me. And also it totally changed my mood, I started to have a problem about plan-time of today so I was necessary to let my my brain working with my mind. However this painting was done and come from co-operation of my mind and brain.

Thanks for raking my nerve.


Moon's breath.

For the A1 format is really bigger than the journal painting which I have done everyday and Its size make my eye more open and my vision also more wider. Today I try to mix my painting skill into the drawing. The question is what will I draw? the question is not come from my mouth or my subconscious but its from my paper. It always talk and question to me. I closed my eyes and listen to the sound of wind but for my ears its heard and understood that was the moon's breath, why?.. because of the thing the floated through my ear is not just a wind but its like a living thing was talking and gossiping to me. If you try to focus on something around then you will know the way to communicate with it.


Thought of Mind.

After I done my first painting of today I still need to paint more so this painting was the story after I went inside my mind. I talked and consulted to my mind about my painting. Normally while I was painting I hardly think I want to do next, what color I would do next sometimes I even didn't know where is this place, what am I doing here or what the color that I am using. My brain never controlled my eyes and my hands to paint but I always let my mind thought, commanded and controlled me instead. I know that what are you thinking now...my answer is yes, It can possible and I did it already for 2 months. you can do that if you just let yourself go, forget what your knowing how or why, then the surprise will pop up inside yours.

Surface of Mind.

I slept for 8 hours and woke up with fresh mind. The weather at my studio were always changed I sat down and did meditation before I start to paint. When I close my eyes and my ears off, all the things that happened were so fantastic. The things you would see and listen is no shape and form but you can use your mind touch it. The mind was the thing that stay inside your body the meditation is the way to meet and talk with it. My painting is a visual of my mind from today since my brain was started to work : Am I have something to do? What is my schedule? even What day is today? all of the questions would be answered by meditation.